Graphite Molds Expert. E-mail us info@hifounder.com
Graphite is highly valued in industrial applications due to its unique properties such as electrochemical stability, slow consumption rate, excellent electrical conductivity, and chemical inertness. These properties make it an ideal anode material in Cathodic Protection (CP) systems, which are designed to protect metal structures from corrosion.
In these systems, graphite's different electrochemical potentials drive the preferential attack on the more active element in the alloy, providing the necessary current to protect the structure. Furthermore, graphite anodes are slowly consumed, ensuring a long lifespan and reducing the need for frequent replacement. The excellent electrical conductivity of graphite allows the discharged current to effectively polarize the pipeline, ensuring it remains in a cathodic state and preventing corrosion. Lastly, graphite's chemical inertness makes it resistant to the corrosive effects of the environment in which the CP system operates.
However, the specific requirements of the system and the environment may necessitate the use of other materials or additional protective measures, so consultation with a corrosion engineer or other professional is always recommended when designing a CP system.

The related Products
Cable to Metal Surface, Cathodic: Cadweld graphite mold designed and engineered to create cathodic cable to metal surface exothermically welded connections.
Lug or Busbar to Steel, Cathodic: This type of mold is used for creating connections between a lug or busbar and steel.
Cable to Cable, Cathodic: This mold is used for creating exothermically welded connections between two cables.
Cable to Ground Rod or Other Rounds, Cathodic: This mold is used for creating connections between a cable and a ground rod or other round conductors.
Cable to Lug or Busbar, Cathodic: This mold is used for creating connections between a cable and a lug or busbar.
Connections to Steel Type CAHA: This mold is used for tapping a conductor to the top of a horizontal steel pipe or flat surface.
Connections to Cast Iron Type CAHB: This mold is used for creating connections to cast iron.
Connections to Ground Rod Type CAGR: This mold is used for creating connections to a ground rod.
Connections of Cable to Cable Type CAPC: This mold is used for creating connections between two cables.
Connections of Cable to Lug Type CALA: This mold is used for creating connections between a cable and a lug.
Connections to Steel Type CAHC: This mold is used for creating connections to steel.
These molds are part of the cathodic protection systems designed to prevent galvanic corrosion along a pipeline or in various structures. They use a special welding material alloy to minimize heat effect on the steel, which is especially important on thin wall and high stress pipes.
The Application Details
Cathodic Protection is an industrial technique for controlling metallic corrosion. It’s commonly used on buried and submerged metallic structures like pipelines, underground storage tanks, locks, subsea equipment, offshore floaters, harbors, and ship hulls. Corrosion is an electrochemical process that operates as an electrical circuit. In the cathodic protection technique, the concerned metal is converted into the cathode of the electrochemical corrosion cell to reduce corrosion.
Graphite molds play a crucial role in this process. They are used to create inert anodes, such as graphite or mixed metal oxide (MMO) anodes. These anodes are placed strategically along the pipeline’s length. The electrical current discharged into the pipeline through these anodes effectively polarizes the pipeline, ensuring that it remains in a cathodic state and preventing corrosion.